Invisible Barriers

It was presented as related to the workshop “Environment, object and body” at the Festival Internacional of Performance Ebent ’03, at the Cotxeres Borrell of Barcelona, November 2003.
Duration: 30 min.

Invisible barriers: The deaf community is a culturally and linguistically seggretgated community, isolated by invisible barriers. My job as a Sign Language interpreter tries to minimize this seggregation. I asked a deaf person to talk about his artistic and cultural interests. I asked for him to write a text addressed to the hearing community about the social situation, culture and values of the deaf comunity, its situation of marginalization with regard to the hearing artistic world, and I transferred his text to a 15 m long paper roll. I used in a simplified way the role of Interpreter by lending my mouth for the transmission of his words. I pulled the roll out of my mouth as I fixed it on the wall under the row of works of art hanging int the art space called “Les Cotxeres Borrell”.